GUM uses the MISC field Cxn
annotation to distinguish some complex constructions in a Construction Grammar (CxG) framework developped by collaborators from Dagstuhl Seminar 23191 for the integration of CxG analyses into UD trees. Please cite this paper, which describes and analyzes the scheme, if you use the construction annotations in a study:
Weissweiler, Leonie, Böbel, Nina, Guiller, Kirian, Herrera, Santiago, Scivetti, Wesley, Lorenzi, Arthur, Melnik, Nurit, Bhatia, Archna, Schütze, Hinrich, Levin, Lori, Zeldes, Amir, Nivre, Joakim, Croft, William and Schneider, Nathan (2024) "Typologically-Informed Annotation of Constructions atop Universal Dependencies". In: Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024). Turin, Italy, 16919–16932.
Some construction labels have been added to the ones described in the paper, including, in particular, ones corresponding to the set of Alternative Lexicalization Constructions (AltLexC) recognized by the Penn Discourse Treebank v3 (Webber et al. 2019) as syntactic markers of discourse relations.
Construction labels are always attached to the highest token belonging to the necessaryor
defining elements of the construction, and carry hierarchical designations, such as a prefix Cxn=Conditional
for all conditional constructions, but a more specific Cxn=Conditional-Interrogative
for interrogative conditionals (the type seen in "What if ...?").
Currently covered constructions and examples:
- AdverbialWHClause:
- AdverbialWHClause-Reduced:
- AdverbialWHClause-Reduced-Active - "Offered while selling"
- AdverbialWHClause-Reduced-Passive - "Offered where sold"
- AdverbialWHClause-Reduced-Adjectival - "Offered when possible"
- CausalExcess - "It was so big that it fell over"
- ComparativeCorrelative - "the faster the better"
- Conditional:
- Conditional-UnspecifiedEpistemic-NoInversion - "If you go you'll be sorry"
- Conditional-NegativeEpistemic:
- Conditional-NegativeEpistemic-NoInversion - "If you had gone you would have been sorry"
- Conditional-Conditional-NegativeEpistemic-SubjVerbInversion - "Had you gone you would have been sorry"
- Conditional-UnspecifiedEpistemic-Reduced - if possible
- Conditional-Interrogative - "What if you go?"
- Ditransitive - "I gave Kim some cake"
- Exclamative-What - "What a triumph!"
- Existential:
- Existential-ExistPred-NoExpl: "Atlantis exists!"
- Existential-CopPred:
- Existential-CopPred-HereExpl: "Here is an example"
- Existential-CopPred-ThereExpl: "There is/exists/... hope"
- Expansion:
- Expansion-SubjVerbInversion-As - "Kim can do it, as can I"
- Expansion-SubjVerbInversion-So - "Kim was there and so (too) was I"
- Interrogative:
- Interrogative-Polar:
- Interrogative-Polar-DeclarativeDirect - "You're going?"
- Interrogative-Polar-Direct - "Are you going?"
- Interrogative-Polar-Indirect - "I asked whether she was going"
- Interrogative-WHInfo:
- Interrogative-WHInfo-Direct - "What did you do?"
- Interrogative-WHInfo-Indirect - ""I asked what they did"
- No:
- No-Matter - "No matter how it's done"
- No-Wonder - "No wonder they did it"
- NPN - "day by day"
- Resultative - "hammer the metal flat"
- SuchNThat - "Such discounts that they could not refuse"
- Way - "He laughed his way out of the issue"
- WhatAbout - "What about the cookies?"